Prameha Chikitsa: A Comprehensive Review

Vol.01, Issue-02, August 2024

Author: Dr. Athira Mohan, BAMS


Prameha, a metabolic disorder characterized by excessive urination, poses significant health challenges. This review delves into the Ayurvedic perspective on managing Prameha, exploring its diagnosis, classification, and therapeutic approaches. By examining ancient Ayurvedic texts, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of this traditional treatment modality.


Prameha, commonly referred to in Ayurveda as a range of urinary disorders, has been a subject of extensive study within ancient Indian medicine. This condition is perceived not merely as a physical ailment but as a complex interaction of physical and psychological factors that affect overall health.

According to Ayurvedic principles, Prameha’s etiology is primarily linked to an imbalance of the three doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, with the type of dosha affected varying based on individual predispositions and environmental factors.

Materials and Methods

Textual Sources

To gather comprehensive insights into Prameha Chikitsa, we consulted several classical Ayurvedic texts:

  • Charaka Samhita
  • Susruta Samhita
  • Ashtanga Hridaya

Study Design

This systematic literature review was structured to collate and analyze the definitions, classifications, etiologies, and treatment modalities described in these texts, focusing on their relevance to contemporary Ayurvedic practice.


  • To delineate the Ayurvedic definitions and classifications of Prameha.
  • To explore the etiological factors and pathogenesis from an Ayurvedic viewpoint.
  • To review various Ayurvedic therapeutic strategies and their effectiveness.

Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

Inclusion Criteria:

  • Texts were restricted to classical Ayurvedic scriptures written in Sanskrit or translated into English.
  • Only content explicitly related to Prameha and its direct treatments was considered.

Exclusion Criteria:

  • Modern interpretations and texts post-dating classical Ayurvedic scriptures were excluded to maintain the focus on traditional insights.
  • Non-Ayurvedic medical literature was omitted to preserve the authenticity of the Ayurvedic understanding.


Ayurvedic Perspective on Prameha

Prameha is comprehensively addressed within Ayurveda as a disorder predominantly involving an imbalance of doshas, each contributing differently to the disease pathology:

  • Vata-predominant Prameha: Characterized by symptoms like excessive urination and systemic dryness.
  • Pitta-predominant Prameha: Manifests with symptoms such as a burning sensation and possible inflammation.
  • Kapha-predominant Prameha: Often leads to increased mucus production and a feeling of heaviness.

Causative Factors

The Ayurvedic texts highlight several factors contributing to Prameha, including dietary excesses, lifestyle inadequacies, and emotional stress, which align with modern understandings of metabolic syndrome components.

Therapeutic Approaches

Treatment modalities in Ayurveda vary significantly based on the type of Prameha and the patient’s overall constitution and strength:

  • Detoxifying Therapies: Procedures like Vamana (emesis) and Virechana (purgation) are suggested for robust patients.
  • Herbal Remedies: Customized herbal formulations are recommended, focusing on balancing the aggravated doshas.
  • Diet and Lifestyle Adjustments: Specific dietary guidelines and physical activities are prescribed to mitigate the doshic imbalances and manage or reverse the disease progression.


Prameha Chikitsa represents a holistic approach to managing what is often correlated with diabetes in modern terms. It underscores the importance of a balanced diet, tailored herbal medication, and lifestyle modifications. This ancient wisdom, when appropriately applied, can offer effective solutions for managing chronic metabolic disorders, demonstrating the relevance of Ayurvedic principles in contemporary healthcare settings.

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